TRB Webinars Submission Instruction
The webinars submission process follows the TRB Webinar Program’s suggest a webinar. Normally, there are two submission deadlines: March 15 and October 15 each year. It is a selective process, which should use the following guidelines:
- The term “sponsor or co-sponsorship” should be used when TRB has an active role in organizing an event hosted by another entity.
- The phrase “in partnership with” should be used when another organization has an active speaking role in the webinar.
- The phrase “in cooperation with” should be used when another organization only assists in marketing and lets us use their logo.
- The phrase “organized by” should be used when the webinar suggestion has been submitted by a TRB Standing Committee.
The AEP40 committee suggests that any one who is interested in submitting a webinar proposal should discuss his/her ideas with one of the subcommittee chairs during the TRB Annual Meeting and then send a draft webinar proposal to the AEP40 committee chair to get approval two weeks before each TRB webinar submission deadlines (i.e. March 1st and October 1st each year). The webinar proposer will be the moderator.
Any questions regarding the preparation and submission of a webinar proposal can go to the Workshops and Webinars Coordinator Dr. Kuilin Zhang (klzhang@mtu.edu).
Past Webinars
May 20, 2016 – TRB Webinar Innovations in Transit Planning and Modeling Utilizing General Transit Feed Specification
Moderator: Dr. Omer Verbas, Northwestern University
- Kenneth Perrine (University of Texas at Austin) – Matching GTFS Transit Route Data to a Roadway Network for Travel Modeling
- Dr. Alireza Khani (University of Minnesota) – Transit Network Modeling Using GTFS Data
- Dr. Nicholas Lownes (University of Connecticut) – Transit Planning Web Application Development Using GTFS
- Holly Krambeck (World Bank)- An Introduction to the GTFS plus Mapping Manila Transit Case Study.
TRB Workshops Submission Instruction
The workshop submission process follows the ADB Section’s two-stage procedure.
- In the first stage, AEP40 subcommittee chairs can propose a workshop idea during a TRB Annual Meeting. Due to the limitation of only two workshops sponsored by the AEP Section, AEP40 will have an internal selection process to submit only one workshop to the AEP Section Chair, Dr. Chandra Bhat (with a cc to Vladimir Livshits) on May 15th of each year by the AEP40 Committee Chair, Dr. Yanfeng Ouyang.
- In the second stage, the AEP00 Section Chair will submit the workshop proposals to TRB. The AEP40 Committee suggests subcommittee chairs to submit their workshop drafts to Dr. Yanfeng Ouyang and the Workshops and Webinars Coordinator, Dr. Kuilin Zhang (klzhang@mtu.edu) by May 10th.
The TRB AEP00 Section proposes a new format of TRB workshops as a forum for true dialogue among the many attendees, as opposed to another presentation session with a set of speakers and limited time for group discussions. This active participation and dialogue will, of course, require more extensive preparation, more careful structuring, and skillful moderation to direct and keep the conversations flowing, constructive, and useful to our community. Essentially, the workshop should take the form of a structured group roundtable discussion than a speaking session (though this does not preclude a presentation or two to set the stage and the context).
Past Workshops
- Open-Source Pathways to Active Travel Modeling: Walk, Bike, and Transit (Primary Sponsor)
- The Future of Travel in a Post-COVID-19 Pandemic World (Co-Sponsor)
- Network Modeling in the Era of Automation Technologies, Big Data Analytics, and Advanced Computing: Identifying Challenges and Pathways to Future Breakthroughs (Primary Sponsor)
- Smart Initiatives and Intelligent Transportation Systems Applications for Efficient and Sustainable Freight Mobility (Co-Sponsor)
- Young People’s Life Choices and Travel Behavior (Co-Sponsor)
- Doctoral Student Research in Transportation Modeling (Co-Sponsor)
- Advancing the Statewide Transportation Planning and Analysis: Statewide Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA) and Agent-Based Models (ABM) (Primary Sponsor)
- Analyzing, Validating and Visualizing Results from Modeling: The Role of Big Data and New Technologies (Sponsor)
- Parallel Computing in Traffic Simulation and Assignment: Moving from Innovations to Practice (Co-Sponsor)
- Using Simulation for Decision Support Systems: Past, Present, and Future (Co-Sponsor)
- The Present and Future of Speed Limits in a Toward Zero Deaths (TZD) Framework (Co-Sponsor)
- Doctoral Student Research in Transportation Modeling (Co-Sponsor)
- Advancing the State of Freight Transportation, Part 1: Network and Logistics (Co-Sponsor)
- Doctoral Student Research in Transportation Modeling (194) (Co-Sponsor)