Welcome to the Transportation Research Board Emerging Technologies in Network Modeling Subcommittee, AEP40(4). We are sponsored by the Transportation Network Modeling AEP40 Committee.

University of Florida
The integration of emerging technical advancement in wireless communication, sensing, information, system control, vehicular technologies and computing into transportation systems is evolving and reshaping next generation transportation networks. Applications of emerging technologies include, but are not limited to, large-scale data-driven decision making, connected and/or autonomous vehicles, electrical vehicles and shared mobility as a service. These emerging technologies bring unprecedented opportunities along with new research challenges for improving network efficiency, resilience, safety and sustainability.
The Mission of the proposed subcommittee is to create a forum for the exploration of innovative network modeling methodologies that exploit emerging technologies for efficient traffic management and control and smart mobility. Such a forum will seek to attract and gather speakers from different fields, including researchers, practitioners, and others from public agencies and the private sector for exchanging and sharing ideas and experiences and an aim of supporting and bringing together communities from both research and practice.
Activities and News
The future activities aligned with the subcommittee mission could include: calls for papers, subcommittee meetings, special sections and workshops, webinars, paper reviews. This subcommittee is also interested in initiating/leading synergic activities involving other related TRB committees and subcommittees which share interest in the application of emerging technologies in transportation, but from different angles.
Peer committees at TRB with similar interests include:
- TRB ACP30: Committee on Vehicle-Highway Automation
- TRB AEP35: Committee on Effects of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on Travel Choices
- TRB AED50: Committee on Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Computing Applications
- TRB AP020: Committee on Innovative Public Transportation Services and Technologies
- TRB AEP50(1): Subcommittee on Emerging Methods under Committee on Transportation Demand Forecasting
- TRB ACP50(3): Subcommittee on Traffic Flow Modeling of Connected and Automated Transportation Systems under Committee on Traffic Flow Theory and Characteristics
Your Participation
- Please contact Dr. Lili Du ( lilidu@ufl.edu ) for information about the activities and meetings of the subcommittee
- Please contact Dr. Xiaopeng Li ( xiaopengli@usf.edu ) to become a member of the subcommittee
Join the Subcommittee Listserv:
- Subscribers can join our list by sending an email to trb-adb30-5-request@freelists.org with ‘subscribe’ in the Subject field, OR by visiting our list page at www.freelists.org/list/trb-adb30-5
- You may unsubscribe at www.freelists.org/list/trb-adb30-5
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